・Edit Tools: move, scale, stretch, rotate, array, mirror. ・Grouping functions are useful to manage several objects as one entity simplifying the process of edit them. ・Organize objects by groups allows you to handle easier large 3D models. ・Tools: end-point, mid-point, nearest, intersection, center, grid. ・You can draw to the mid-point or from the end-point of an object. ・Increase the accuracy of creating and modifying objects. ・Tools: erase, snapline, round, trim, fillet, offset, extend, explode, slice, texture uv, normals. ・These tools will help you to edit 3D models using some basic operations. ・Tools: line,circle, rectangle, arc, polygon, text, triangles, box, sphere, camera, region, extrude, revolve. ・Draw your own surfaces from 2D primitives using extrude and revolve. ・Create models using three dimensions shapes such as lines, spheres, boxes and much more. ・Preset: top, front, right, bottom, back, left, isometric. ・Adjust the view of a 3D drawing by panning, zooming and rotating a view. ・View your 3D models using orthogonal and isometric preset viewpoints. ・See your drawings from different points of view.
It lets you create fast 2D and 3D models and It is intended for everybody as professionals, sketchers, architects, engineers, designers, students and more.ĪutoQ3D CAD for Mac is optimized for 64-bit architecture and Retina displays to make full use of your Mac's hardware. Ladda ner för Andriod samt Iphone 329,00 kr På iTunes ↲ĪutoQ3D CAD for Mac is a full 2D and 3D CAD application that allows you to create, edit and share your drawings and designs. Du kan börja använda AutoQ3D CAD För PC nu!

Öppna programmet Emulator och skriv AutoQ3D CAD i sökfältet. Steg 3: Hur man använder AutoQ3D CAD på pc
Steg 2: Installera nu Software Emulator på din Windows-dator Om du för närvarande kör Windows Service Pack 2, hämta / installera Windows XP Service Pack 3 Free genom att söka på nätet. Obs! Windows XP Service Pack 3 eller Higher OS (Vista, Win 7,8) krävs. Till att börja med kan du välja mellan någon av programmen nedan:Įn aktiv internetanslutning krävs under hela installationsprocessen.